Thursday, October 9, 2014

Some counselors 10,000 euros per month added to the cards … – Journal of Navarra

Some counselors 10,000 euros per month added to the cards … – Journal of Navarra

The opaque cards Caja Madrid covered all kinds of personal expenses of the directors of the company, from jewelry and trips to grocery shopping, including ATM cash withdrawals, according to the report by Bankia and delivered to the judge of the Audiencia Nacional Fernando Andreu , which is investigating the case.

Between 2003 and 2012, 86 directors and executives were spent to 15.5 million euros through these cards ‘black’, which had been presented to the Compensation Committee as cards for “entertainment expenses” . However, in most cases have not been used for this purpose. And not because they had covered these expenditures through other means.
 The presidency of Caja Madrid Miguel Blesa stage in front of the entity disbursed about 300,000 per year in entertainment expenses and business meetings.

For example, in 2006 He paid 288,728 euros, of which 104,205 were “expenses of meetings” through credit card as stated in the documents of budgetary control management area. He also paid another 45,493 euros for other expenses 139 030 meetings and representation expenses of general management. A year earlier, the overall amount had risen to 308,625 euros, of which 141.405 expenses were meetings with credit card .
 Economics spokesman of the PP in Congress, Vicente Martínez Pujalte said Thursday it could not be criticized for spending ‘cards B’ Caja Madrid if they were remuneration in kind and were declared as in this case, “you money on what you spent.” Martinez Pujalte and valued information published by El Pais, which detailed that Miguel Blesa spent 10,000 euros on wine, 9,000 euros on a safari to Africa and 2,000 euros in jewels. In total, Blesa , whose salary as president amounted to 3.5 million euros, spent with the card total 436,700 euros with opaque card. Or Estanislao Rodríguez Ponga, former Secretary of State for Finance and current Minister PP El Corte Inglés, paid with ‘black’ card 40,000 euros to Viajes El Corte Ingles.
 “Do I seem good or bad, I have not seen and I will not know if it’s right or wrong spent. If that really was not payment in kind and were expenses, it seems to me fatal. Whether it was payment in kind, should be see if they have declared, and if declared, I will look that one spends money on what you want, and if you have not declared it seems wrong “Pujalte said. However, in the post September 2009 that set off alarms and that the investigation was initiated, it is specified that the visa cards were for “entertainment expenses” and also that were “black tax purposes until now “, although it is questioned that” the new head of inspection hold this view. ”
 Diets of directors at that time also draw attention. Members of the Board, Executive Committee and the Board committees charged 1,350 euros per meeting (in 2009 froze). In addition, receiving a MSA around 3,000 euros by the Council of the Corporation Finance . As members of subsidiary or related, monthly diets varied, although the vice presidents and Antonio Romero -Board proposal of the PSOE charged a monthly allowance of 9,969 euros net per month of the subsidiary as they represented individuals, according to the detail which was referred the Board Secretary, Enrique de la Torre, and his replacement Miguel Blesa warning under the “confidential”. In turn, the union CCOO Pedro Bedia and Francisco Baquero (unrelated to this activity CCOO in 2007 and recently applied for low affiliate) perceived 6,480 euros net per month; Mercedes de la Merced -consejera proposal of the PP and the socialist José Acosta, 4,406 euros net per month; and the other, 2,379 euros net per month. The fact that opaque card with the highest limit (50,000 euros) were the president, the vice-Romero, Bedia and Baquero , as explained De la Torre is given.
 In today’s Bankia, nonexecutive not perceive diets . The executive directors receive are deducted from your salary, which is limited to 500,000 per year. The chairman of Bankia, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, received 36,000 euros last year as directors of other companies in representing Bankia so his salary remained at 462,000 euros. Now, non-executive directors have no card, explained a spokesman for the organization, and managers that have come with a variable limit.
 Moreover, the president of Red Eléctrica of Spain (REE), José Folgado convened on Wednesday urgently to the Committee on Governance and Corporate Responsibility of the entity to “analyze and evaluate” the information about the adviser Juan Emilio Iranzo , who appears as one of those who disposed of the ‘black’ card Caja Madrid for an amount of 46,800 euros.


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