Friday, March 25, 2016

Countries that invest more in renewable energies – EnergyPress

During 2015, Mexico reached an investment in renewable energies of 4 billion

 During 2015, the country achieved an investment in renewable energies of 4 billion; that amount is 105% higher compared to the previous year.

 Mexico is one of 10 countries that invested in renewable energy projects over the past year, according to a report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

 The country’s investment in 2015 reached 4 billion dollars, ie 105% invested more than a year earlier.

 The report “Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2016,” the UNEP presented Thursday morning, highlights the investment that Mexico began hand Nacional Financiera in nine wind energy projects; which allowed him to share with Chile and South Africa the title of the three “new markets” more investment in the subject.

 2015 investment allowed Mexico with those two countries entered the Top 10, led by China, the US and Japan.

 Followed UK, India, Germany and Brazil, the largest investor in renewable energy in Latin America.

  The potential of renewable energies in Mexico

 In December 2015, Congress passed the Energy Transition Act, which among other things establishes the goals of the country in the use of renewable energy: 35% is generated through clean sources by 2024 and that percentage increase to 60% by 2050.

 The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA acronym) confirms that, according to estimates by the Secretariat of Energy, Mexico is a country with high potential for renewable energy production.

 In its annual report on prospects in this type of energy, the International Agency asserts that Mexico could generate 2030 to 46% of its electricity from renewable sources.

 To reach that sum, the country has capacity to generate 26% of its energy from wind and solar sources; 12% of hydroelectric power; 5% 2.5% geothermal and biomass.

 This would allow, says the International Agency for 2030 reduced demand by 62% carbon, 21% of naturas gas and 6% oil.

  Renewable energy in developing countries

 Last year, highlights the UNEP, it was the first in which investment in renewable energy was increased from developing country (with an investment of 156 billion dollars) of developed (130 billion).

 The advancement of developing countries was led by China, which invested 102.9 billion, 17% more than in 2014.

 China’s growth in renewable energy is not a minor thing. Last December, the Global Carbon Project reported that 2015 would become the first year with reduction of pollutant emissions over a period of global economic growth.

 Projections of emissions -the main cause of global warming and climate change estimated a reduction of 0.6% thanks to China reduced its carbon consumption and increased use of renewable energy.

 In the last decade, the increase in emissions was 2.4% per annum with China as the main emitter, accounting for 27% of them.

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