Sunday, June 26, 2016

The 13 striking figures Panama Canal expansion – BBC World

Image copyright Reuters
Image caption the expansion of the Panama Canal took nearly 9 years.

Miles, million tons are the measurements are repeated again and again in describing the new Panama Canal expansion project which opens this Sunday.

In particular, two new lock complexes, which are hydraulic works that allow balancing the uneven concentrated in waterways, raising or lowering vessels found in them were built.

with this expansion, a third lane of traffic will be created.

this reform in the engineering work already completed its first centenary in 2014 will double the capacity of the waterway channel.

that is, the ships that until now could only carry 5,000 containers, from this reform will to move between 13,000 and 14,000 .

And it it is estimated that this improvement will have a direct impact on the economy and international seaborne trade.

But what other figures describe the Panama canal expansion project? BBC World gathered some of them.

6.1 km

It has long the new access channel from the Pacific Ocean to the new gates.

150 million cubic meters

They are those that were excavated during the execution of enlargement.


locks complexes will be built in the Atlantic and Pacific sides of the Panama Canal. This is creating a third lane for larger ships. Each lock complex will have three steps or cameras.

427 meters

is the length of each lock, with 55 meters wide and 18.3 meters deep.

Image copyright Reuters
Image caption the new Panama Canal expansion will double the capacity of the waterway step.


The number of new rolling gates to be placed in the new locks.

30 meters

This is the average height of each gate.

3,200 tons

This is the new Panama canal expansion project

This is the average weight of each of the gates.


are cubic meters of concrete used for the Canal expansion of Panama.

192,000 tonnes

steel were used to build the third set of locks.

Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption the freighter Cosco Houston was one of the first who sailed to test the new extension of the channel.

12 million tons

From rock basalt were used for the construction program of the Third Set of Locks.


the number of people who worked on the project.

US $ 5,250 million

It is what it cost expansion program in its entirety.

9 years (almost)

This is what delayed in its construction, which began on September 3, 2007.

Image copyright BBC

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