Thursday, July 23, 2015

The second quarter will reflect EPA 500,000 new jobs and an unemployment rate of 22%, according to experts – Yahoo Finance Spain


The Labour Force Survey (LFS) of the second quarter, to be published tomorrow, will reflect more jobs and less unemployment, at a time when the Spanish economy grew at a quarterly rate close to 1% and 3% higher in annual terms.

In particular, according to experts, employment would have grown in around half a million people in the second quarter and the unemployment rate would have been reduced from 23.78% in figures close to 22%.

This is the forecast made at least AFI, and Asempleo Instituto Flores de Lemus, with some variations, although small claims.

Thus, according to AFI and Asempleo, the number of employees would have increased by 516,000 people in the second quarter and the unemployment rate would have been reduced 1.8 points to 22% of the working population.

With this increase of more than half a million jobs, over the same period of 2014 (402,400 jobs), the total employed in Spain would have set the end of June to 17.993 million people, its highest level since the fourth quarter of 2011, when the PP came to power.

Meanwhile, the Flores de Lemus Institute Carlos III University of Madrid estimated that the occupation would have grown by 479,000 people between April and June, up 2.4% from the previous quarter and the unemployment rate would have stood at 22.1%, a rate 1.7 points lower than in the first quarter (23.78%).


While waiting to know if these predictions are spot on, the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, and the Ministers of Economy and Employment, Luis de Guindos and Fatima Báñez have already predicted a “good” EPA for the second quarter.

We’ll have to see if the data improve tomorrow publish the same period last year, when several records were broken. Thus, unemployment fell in the second quarter of 2014 at 310,400 people, its biggest quarterly drop in the whole historical series, initiated in 1964.

The unemployment rate, meanwhile, posted its biggest quarterly cut Series (almost 1.5 points) and the number of employed grew by 402,400 people, the highest figure since the second quarter of 2005.

From 2008-2014, EPA has been reflected in the second quarter increases in employment in five quarters (2008, 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2014) and decreases in two of them (2009 and 2013). The biggest increase in employment was recorded in the second quarter of last year (402,400 employees) and the biggest cut in the second quarter of 2013 (130,400).

For the unemployed and for the same period, there have been cuts in three seconds quarters (2011, 2013 and 2014) and increases in four (2008, 2009, 2010 and 2012). The biggest rise in unemployment in the second quarter was in 2008, with nearly 200,000 more unemployed, while the biggest cut corresponded to 2014 (310,400)



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