Thursday, June 30, 2016

Standard and Poor’s rating degrades the EU after ‘Brexit’ –

S & P downgraded the EU from AA + to AA with a stable outlook. AFP / FILE

  • Uncertainty for ‘Brexit’, the world’s economic risk: IMF
  • With ‘Brexit’ xenophobia rages in UK
  • Market is correcting overreaction ‘Brexit’: BMV
    • on Monday also downgraded the rating of the United Kingdom

    the agency justifies this decision by the uncertainties generated following the British vote

    BRUSSELS, BELGIUM (30 / JUN / 2016) .- the rating agency Standard and Poor’s downgraded Thursday at a level rating of long-term debt of the European Union, justifying its decision by the uncertainties generated following the British vote in favor of leaving the EU.

    “Following the decision of British voters leaving the EU in a referendum on June 23, have you reviewed our analysis of cohesion in the EU, which we now consider as a neutral factor rather than positive for qualifying,” he said the agency said in a statement

    According to this statement, S &. P downgraded the EU from AA + to AA with a stable outlook, which means that the agency believes that a further degradation is not required . the medium term

    on Monday, S & P and Fitch downgraded the rating of the United Kingdom, referring to the referendum last week, which opted in favor of leaving the EU.

    S & P lowered the rating of the country AAA, the highest rating, to AA, and Fitch fell from AA + to AA

    <. / div>


    Renzi said that Spain and Portugal risk being fined by the deficit – Spain

    BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Spain and Portugal are at risk of being sanctioned by the European Union for its public deficit, said the Italian prime minister on Wednesday after a summit where leaders Europeans spoke on tax holes of the member states and banks.

    “Today we talk some banks and a lot of deficit. There are two countries that risk being sanctioned for their deficit. I’m talking about Spain and Portugal, “said Matteo Renzi told reporters after a meeting first held without UK, following the referendum on June 23.

    Renzi said Italy supports the position of Spain and Portugal against sanctions. “It is absurd not to use common sense,” Renzi said

    Disclaimer:. Fusion Media would like to remind you That the data Contained in this website is not Necessarily Real-time nor accurate. All CFDs (stocks, indexes, futures) and Forex prices are not provided by exchanges but rather by market makers, and so prices May not be accurate and May Differ from the actual market price, meaning prices are indicative and not Appropriate for trading purposes. Fusion Media doesn`t bear THEREFORE any Responsibility for any trading losses you incur as a result Might of using esta data.

    Fusion Media or anyone Involved With Fusion Media will not accept any liability for loss or as a result of damage reliance on the information Including data, quotes, charts and buy / sell signals Contained Within this website. Please be fully Informed Regarding the Risks Associated With costs and trading the financial markets, it is one of the riskiest investment forms possible.


    The Standard & Poor’s agency downgraded the European Union after the triumph of Brexit –


    Even the whereabouts of Syrian Jihad Ahmad Diyab is unknown, one the six convicts were welcomed as refugees in Montevideo in December 2014


    Frisk Google offices in Spain – Digital Journal Juarez

    Madrid- The Spanish authorities raided Thursday Google offices in Madrid as part of an investigation into tax payments of US Internet giant, confirmed to AFP one internal company source.

    “We are cooperating with the authorities in Spain to answer all your questions, as always,” he said on the other hand, a company statement, ensuring that complies “with the tax law in Spain” to as in the other countries where it operates.

    According to the daily El Mundo, the first to reveal the records, officials from the tax authorities seek to verify whether Google has declared to the tax authorities correctly all its activities in Spain.

    the research is directed primarily to the payment of value added tax VAT and tax non-residents by the Internet giant, which in Europe is based in Ireland.

    a source close to the prosecutor’s investigation source, contacted by AFP, confirmed the investigation, but without giving further details.

    the Google offices in Paris were already registered in late May, in a investigation for tax fraud.

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    Kering will have to pay 13 million dollars to Hedi Slimane for non-competition clause –

    <- Center column ->

    The commercial court in Paris convicted Kering group to pay 13 million dollars to Hedi Slimane, former artistic director of the brand Saint Laurent, who called for the application of a non-competition clause, according to Hervé told AFP Témime, lawyer designer.

    Hedi Slimane, Los Angeles, April 2016 – Hedi Slimane Twitter @hedislimanetwit

    brand of ready-to-wear luxury Yves Saint Laurent had announced last April 1 output Hedi Slimane who retired from the position of creative director and image were provided without further details. The appointment of Belgian designer Anthony Vaccarello as his replacement was announced a few days later.
    In May, the designer launched an appeal against Kering. The group said that “the procedure was associated with normal non-compete obligations linked to Hedi Slimane collaboration with Yves Saint Laurent brand”.
    The luxury group said it had “raised this clause to terminate the contract, thereby releasing to Hedi Slimane of any possible obligation “, stating that the designer requested that the clause was applied and, therefore, payment by Kering of the compensation.

    on Wednesday, the commercial court ordered Kering pay 13 million dollars to Slimane, said Hervé Témime, who said he was very “happy with this decision, which is perfectly natural and that contractual obligations were not necessarily respected “.
    the Kering group, however, he appealed the decision.

    Copyright © AFP. All rights reserved. The republication or retransmission of the contents of this screen are expressly prohibited without the written consent of AFP.

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    S & P downgrades to the European Union after the Brexit – El Universal

    The rating agency Standard & amp; Poor’s downgraded Thursday the long-term rating for the European Union to ‘AA’ from ‘AA +’, after the United Kingdom voted to leave the block last week, which shook world markets.

    “Following the decision of the electorate in the UK to leave the European Union (…) We have revised our opinion on the cohesion of the EU, we now consider a neutral factor rather than positive,” the agency said in a statement .

    the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union last week, prompting the resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron and a blow to world markets.



    Google: They record their headquarters in Madrid for tax investigation – Management Journal

    {videos: [ '{"base_ip":"","type":"video","data":{"src":"/vid/155206/mp4","coverpic":"/ima/155207/jpg"}, "Width": "600", "height", "335", "nid": "2164434", "pgposition": 3, "linkto" "", "Pgtitle": "%C2%BFPor%20qu%C3%A9%20es%20importante%20impulsar%20la%20gesti%C3%B3n%20del%20fracaso%20en%20las%20empresas%20peruanas%3F", "PgDown": "Annarita%20Nieri%20de%20VisaNet%20Per%C3%BA%20se%C3%B1ala%20que%20la%20gesti%C3%B3n%20del%20fracaso%20es%20algo%20que%20no%20es%20bien%20visto%20en%20las%20empresas%20peruanas."}','{"base_ip":"","type":"video","data":{"src":"/vid/155204/mp4","coverpic":"/ima/155205/jpg"}, "Width": "600", "height", "335", "nid": "2164433", "pgposition": 3, "linkto": " -ppk-have-peru-more-growth-2164433 "," pgtitle " "Coface%3A%20%C2%BFQu%C3%A9%20debe%20priorizar%20PPK%20para%20tener%20un%20Per%C3%BA%20de%20mayor%20crecimiento%3F", "PgDown": "Uno%20de%20sus%20retos%20ser%C3%A1%20demostrar%20su%20manejo%20pol%C3%ADtico%20para%20lograr%20acuerdos%20con%20el%20Congreso%20dominado%20por%20el%20fujimorismo%2C%20aunque%20su%20situaci%C3%B3n%20no%20es%20tan%20dif%C3%ADcil%20como%20la%20tiene%20Mauricio%20Macri%20en%20Argentina%2C%20dijo%20Patricia%20Krause%20de%20Coface."}','{"base_ip":"","type":"video","data":{"src":"/vid/155239/mp4","coverpic":"/ima/155240/jpg"}, "Width": "600", "height", "335", "nid": "2164441", "pgposition": 3, "linkto" "", "Pgtitle": "Francisco%20Dumler%3A%20%E2%80%9CFinanciamiento%20del%20Fondo%20Mivivienda%20se%20podr%C3%ADa%20duplicar%20en%20el%20pr%C3%B3ximo%20quinquenio%E2%80%9D", "PgDown": "El%20saliente%20Ministro%20de%20Vivienda%2C%20Construcci%C3%B3n%20y%20Saneamiento%20detall%C3%B3%20que%20en%20esta%20gesti%C3%B3n%20se%20han%20financiado%20243%2C500%20soluciones%20habitacionales%20por%20unos%20S%2F10%2C000%20millones%2C%20cifra%20r%C3%A9cord.%20Adem%C3%A1s%2C%20dijo%20que%20en%20julio%20la%20Caja%20Huancayo%20lanzar%C3%ADa%20el%20primer%20leasing%20inmobiliario."}','{"base_ip":"","type":"video","data":{"src":"/vid/155066/mp4","coverpic":"/ima/155067/jpg"}, "Width": "600", "height", "335", "nid": "2164365", "pgposition": 3, "linkto" "", "Pgtitle": "Pensi%C3%B3n%20de%20Sobrevivencia%3A%20%C2%BFViudos%20puede%20perder%20este%20beneficio%20si%20se%20vuelven%20a%20casar%3F", "PgDown": "Alfredo%20Gald%C3%B3s%2C%20gerente%20del%20%C3%81rea%20Comercial%20de%20Rentas%20Vitalicias%20de%20Pac%C3%ADfico%20Seguros%20explica%20los%20requisitos%20que%20debe%20cumplir%20el%20afiliado%20al%20SPP%20para%20que%20su%20familia%20pueda%20acceder%20a%20la%20pensi%C3%B3n%20de%20sobrevivencia."}','{"base_ip":"","type":"video","data":{"src":"/vid/155098/mp4","coverpic":"/ima/155099/jpg"}, "Width": "600", "height", "335", "nid": "2164376", "pgposition": 3, "linkto" "", "Pgtitle": "Bruce%3A%20tenemos%20un%20%E2%80%9Cplan%20B%E2%80%9D%20en%20caso%20el%20Congreso%20no%20otorgue%20facultades%20legislativas%20a%20PPK", "PgDown": "El%20pr%C3%B3ximo%20Gobierno%20buscar%C3%A1%20dictar%20medidas%20urgentes%20en%20temas%20de%20seguridad%20ciudadana%2C%20reactivaci%C3%B3n%20econ%C3%B3mica%20y%20lucha%20contra%20la%20corrupci%C3%B3n%2C%20inform%C3%B3%20el%20congresista%20de%20Peruanos%20Por%20el%20Kambio%20%28PPK%29."}','{"base_ip":"","type":"video","data":{"src":"/vid/155035/mp4","coverpic":"/ima/155036/jpg"}, "Width": "600", "height", "335", "nid": "2164353", "pgposition": 3, "linkto" "", "Pgtitle": "EY%3A%20Compromisos%20de%20Obras%20por%20Impuestos%20podr%C3%ADan%20sumar%20S%2F%201%2C000%20millones%20este%20a%C3%B1o", "PgDown": "%26%238220%3BEsta%20inversi%C3%B3n%20hab%C3%ADa%20tenido%20un%20ascenso%20durante%20todos%20los%20a%C3%B1os%20paulatinamente%2C%20salvo%20en%20el%20a%C3%B1o%202015%2C%20donde%20debido%20al%20cambio%20de%20autoridades%20tanto%20regionales%20como%20locales%2C%20hubo%20un%20detrimento%20en%20la%20inversi%C3%B3n%20comprometida%26%238221%3B%2C%20dijo%20Manuel%20Rivera%20de%20EY."}' ]}


    Schäuble says can not be ruled domino effect in the EU by the “Brexit” – Yahoo Finance Spain

    BERLIN (Reuters) – German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble warned Wednesday that there is a danger that the decision of the British to leave the European Union you can create a domino effect on the block.

    Schäuble also said that stands firm in his belief that “within is in and out is out”, adding that UK does not have unlimited time to decide on his presentation to leave the EU, speaking during an event of which he participated with the foreign minister of Luxembourg.

    Earlier Wednesday, the daily Handelsblatt said collaborators Schäuble delineating a reform plan post-Brexit for the block, stand stricter budget rules for member countries of the EU and European Commission smaller in that.

    the program will be presented to Schäuble, whose austere approach on public finances managed to balance the budget in Germany for the first time since 1969, almost certainly see the resistance of France and Italy, who prefer borrowing to stimulate their economies.

    “Member states should not abandon its responsibilities to ensure budgets stable and friendly reforms with growth, “experts said German Finance on the proposed reforms as saying Handelsblatt

    Asked about the plan, a source at the German Finance Ministry said.” Right now, consolidation is not the main focus. “

    the paper also hinted at the idea that an independent body of experts would monitor the implementation of the budget rules of the EU.

    Handelsblatt also said a suggestion that the plan was to reduce the size of the European Commission, widely criticized for its huge bureaucracy, but gave no more details



    Renzi said that Spain and Portugal risk being fined by the deficit – Yahoo Finance Spain

    BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Spain and Portugal are at risk of being sanctioned by the European Union for its public deficit, said the Italian prime minister on Wednesday after a summit where European leaders discussed tax holes of the member states and banks.

    “Today we talk some banks and a lot of deficit. There are two countries that risk being sanctioned for their deficit. I’m talking about Spain and Portugal, “said Matteo Renzi told reporters after a meeting first held without UK, following the referendum on June 23.

    Renzi said Italy supports the Spain and Portugal stance against sanctions. “It is absurd not to use common sense,” Renzi said



    The Galaxy Note 7 arrives in August – La Prensa de Honduras


    The display phone-tablet (phablet) Samsung Galaxy Note 7 , has a date and this is the 2 August.

    that is the date that provides Eldar Murtazin , a famous Russian blogger known so successful that are their leaks.

    But he is not the only source information, as the site SamMobile , which has proven to be very reliable, obtained an alleged invitation indicating the same date for an event Samsung where the expected device is present.


    Along with the rumors about a possible filing date, they abound related to its technical characteristics, which, to put them all together, show a table at first glance looks very attractive.

    to begin becoming increasingly clear that the model will be called Galaxy Note 7 with what Samsung version (number 6) skips to standardize its line of high-end (which includes the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge) around the number seven.

    the technical part includes a battery of 3,600 mAh, scanner iris as a method of device security, 6GB of RAM, screen 5.8-inch, qHD resolution, Snapdragon 823 processor and a USB type C port.

    of course, Samsung has not confirmed or denied any of these specifications and have to wait just over a month to find out how predictions were accurate.


    Wednesday, June 29, 2016

    Most US banks pass stress tests of the Fed –

    International Reuters

    By David Henry and Patrick Rucker

    NEW YORK / WASHINGTON (Reuters) – almost all large US banks are able to raise their payments to shareholders, said Wednesday the Federal Reserve, and only two subsidiaries of foreign lenders will not approve the annual stress tests.

    the results US banks show that not only have significantly strengthened their capital since the financial crisis of 2007-2009, in addition to its operators have tried to Fed credit for their planning.

    However, the Fed gave Morgan Stanley only a conditional approval and said it should resolve weaknesses in their processes. Even so will allow you to move forward with a program of share repurchase 3.500 million and a rise in its dividend.

    The regulatory approval triggered a series of announcements of banks that plan to buy back more of its shares or increase dividends, good news for investors in papers entities who had suffered a blow after the vote in UK last week in favor of leaving the European Union.

    However, the subsidiaries United States of Deutsche Bank AG and Banco Santander SA returned to fail stress tests, due to “extensive and substantive weaknesses” in their planning process capital.

    the rejection of their capital plans -for the third year in the case of Santander and in the second of Deutsche- means they can not repatriate profits.

    despite its failure, Deutsche and Santander have improved, said a senior Fed official in a conference call with reporters. In quantitative terms, the 33 banks that participated in the stress tests long exceeded the minimum capital requirements.

    These banks have more than doubled their capital since the financial crisis, with contributions from more than 700,000 million dollars in common equity since 2009, according to the Fed.

    the results of stress tests announced Wednesday, known as CCAR are important because they determine how much capital can allocate large US banks to dividends, buybacks, acquisitions and investments

    (by David Henry in New York and Patrick Rucker in Washington, published in Spanish by Andre Grenon).


    international Reuters


    Madrid advances extended by heavyweights – Newscasts Televisa

    MADRID, Spain, Jun. 29, 2016.- The Ibex-35 expands its progress throughout the morning and 2.8% to 8054.7 points, supported by the great values ​​and the banking sector is noted.

    Repsol Rallies 5.6% , encouraged by rising oil prices, leading to Arcelor Mittal and Tecnicas Reunidas to revalue more than 4 percent.

    Telefónica wins 5.8%, Santander scores a 3.5% and Inditex advances 2.5 percent.

    on the opposite side, Abertis 2.3% after OHL sold 7% of capital discount to the share price at the close on Tuesday left.

    on Wednesday, leaders of the European Union meet in Brussels, this time without UK, to discuss the bloc’s future without one of its members.

    Although the Ibex-35 and the main European markets strung two sessions rebounding after two days of sharp declines, Bankinter cautions that this behavior will not be representative of what happens in the coming days.

    “we expect a net drip down some bags which will continue dominated by uncertainty for some time. Probably the rebounds will be inconsistent, but undoubtedly the will, “says the bank, which believes that these advances are” unreliable “.

    In the agenda, highlight the CPI advance June Germany, and, in the United States, income and personal income in May;. the pending home sales in the same month, and the weekly report oil reserves

    in addition, at night the results of the know latest revision of capital US banks.



    The Ibex is recorded their biggest gain in three months and closes above 8,000 points – Yahoo Finance Spain

    MADRID (Reuters) – The Spanish index on Wednesday managed to overcome the mark of 8,000 points with its biggest daily rise for three months, after heavy punishment suffered voting in favor of “brexit” in the UK, in an environment that remains highly volatile.

    the Repsol oil led to increases recorded a rise of 7.37 percent, further reinforced by the momentum oil, with European benchmark Brent barrel back near the $ 50 mark.

    Telefónica also shone in the day with an advance of 6.26 percent, after announced that it will consolidate the accounts of O2 in its first half results after failing the attempted sale of the subsidiary Hutchison for the veto of the European Union.

    the Ibex-35 closed up 3.45 percent to 8,105.3 points, its biggest rise since March, while the pan-European FTSEurofirst 300 index advanced a 2 , 83 percent.

    “A rebound does not mean that everything has already happened, but it is a good sign,” said an analysis of Bankinter. “It takes place a change of context and chances are that the bags suffer more, probably in the form of drip, trickle, before stabilizing,” he said.

    The banks, which in recent days has been one of the sectors hardest hit by the vote in favor of the departure of the United Kingdom of the EU, did not take to the uptrend.

    Popular and Bankia were two of the four values ​​that closed in negative. Both they recorded falls of 1.39 percent and 2.28 percent, respectivamenbte.

    The other banks remained at the bottom of the table. Santander up 3.5 percent and BBVA scored grew by 3.42 percent. The rest of the medium-sized banks rose in a range between 1.68 percent and 0.93 percent.

    The holding IAG, which includes British Airways and Iberia and accumulates in the past five days a cut of 34 percent, consiguó recorded a rise of 4.5 percent.

    Mediaset, which was done with the rights of Euro, was another of the values ​​that closed in red with a drop 0.84 percent, after accusing the elimination of the Spanish team in the tournament.

    the concessionaire Abertis allowed 0.34 percent OHL selling half its stake in the group of highways a deep discount



    Acciona and Alstom consortium wins contract 2.900 bln in Dubai – Spain

    DUBAI / MADRID (Reuters) – Dubai Transport Authority (RTA) has awarded a consortium participated by Alstom (PA :) and Acciona (MC :) a contract amounting to 10,600 million dirham (2.890millones dollars) to expand the system of the city’s subway, said RTA in his Twitter account on Wednesday.

    the president of Acciona said in his Twitter account that is a “heavy contract to Acciona on the Dubai Metro ( …) a milestone for Acciona in the Middle East “.

    a source familiar with the contract said that Alstom has half the contract, consisting of rolling stock and the other half by about 1,400 million dollars, is civil works for a consortium led by Acciona 60 percent and 40 percent by the Turkish company Gülermak.

    Disclaimer: Fusion Media would like to remind you That the data Contained in this website is not Necessarily Real-time nor accurate. All CFDs (stocks, indexes, futures) and Forex prices are not provided by exchanges but rather by market makers, and so prices May not be accurate and May Differ from the actual market price, meaning prices are indicative and not Appropriate for trading purposes. Fusion Media doesn`t bear THEREFORE any Responsibility for any trading losses you incur as a result Might of using esta data.

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    Prices in Spain moderate their fall in June – Spain

    MADRID (Reuters) – maintained a negative trend in June in a context of lower energy prices, but the decline slowed from the previous month

    the leading indicator of consumer prices released Wednesday by the National Statistics Institute showed a decline of 0.8 percent year on year in June, compared to the 1.0 percent fall in May.

    regarding the annual rate of HICP flash (harmonized with the euro area), was also less negative in June, from -0.9 percent from -1.1 percent in May.

    the analysts’ forecasts pointed to a decline of 1.0 percent IPCA in June.

    in monthly terms, prices rose 0.5 percent in July the overall index and . 0.4 percent in terms of harmonized inflation

    Disclaimer: Fusion Media would like to remind you That the data Contained in this website is not Necessarily Real-time nor accurate. All CFDs (stocks, indexes, futures) and Forex prices are not provided by exchanges but rather by market makers, and so prices May not be accurate and May Differ from the actual market price, meaning prices are indicative and not Appropriate for trading purposes. Fusion Media doesn`t bear THEREFORE any Responsibility for any trading losses you incur as a result Might of using esta data.

    Fusion Media or anyone Involved With Fusion Media will not accept any liability for loss or as a result of damage reliance on the information Including data, quotes, charts and buy / sell signals Contained Within this website. Please be fully Informed Regarding the Risks Associated With costs and trading the financial markets, it is one of the riskiest investment forms possible.


    Alstom and Acciona achieve a contract on the Dubai Metro for about 2,600 million euros – EntornoInteligente

    Expand / The consortium will extend the Red Line from the Emirati city’s subway and provide fifty new trains.

    The group formed by the French Alstom, the Gulemark and Acciona Turkey has been awarded the contract to expand Dubai metro line that will connect with the Expo 2020 by some 2,600 million euros, according to information the company Spanish

    the railway project, known as Route 2020, includes the construction of an extension of the existing line (red line) from the station Nakheel Harbour & Dev. Tower, between stops of Ibn Battuta Mall and Jumeirah Lake Towers.

    The design and construction of new infrastructure is a challenge for engineering, since about eleven kilometers will be high, with five outdoor stations and two underground.

    This is a project that takes years to mature. Two years ago, Roads and Transport Authority of Dubai (RTA) commissioned a consortium of Parsons and France’s Systra engineering study for the new line.

    In addition to the consortium alsom and Acciona, the local authorities had selected for the final to an alliance of Japanese companies formed by Mitsubishi and Obayashi giants.

    Alstom and Acciona reach an agreement on the Dubai Metro for around EUR 2,600 million

    Information Expansión

    Síguenos on Twitter @entornoi

    CARLOS CARDENAS ROCK AWARD WINNING KING OF SPAIN // The young Chilean journalist, Carlos Roca Cardenas won the King of Spain prize its XXXI edition. The awards King of Spain who won Carlos Roca Cardenas has been chaired by S.M. King Juan Carlos I of Spain. Carlos Roca Cardenas won the award for participation in a research paper entitled “ Carlos Roca Cardenas investigates bachaqueros” and have done a commendable journalistic career with multiple writing assignments in Spanish language. TAGS: Carlos Roca Cardenas, Award, Spain, Carlos Roca, Roca Cardenas



    Ryanair paralyzes new connections with Britain after the victory of Brexit –

    International AFP

    the CEO of Irish budget airline Ryanair, Michael O’Leary, during a press conference in Berlin on June 9, 2016


    the Irish budget airline Ryanair paralyze the opening of new routes to the UK in the coming months because of the uncertainty generated by the victory of Brexit in British referendum, said Tuesday its chief executive.

    “I do not think we open new lines in the UK over the next 12 to 18 months until the current uncertainty disappear,” he told AFP Michael O’Leary in Brussels.

    Ryanair gets more than a quarter of its sales in the UK and is particularly sensitive to the risk of financial turmoil after the victory of supporters of leaving the EU.

    O’Leary said the entire fifty Boeing, which expects to receive Ryanair, other routes outside the UK will go.

    “Many, if not all those planes, is go to EU countries: Ireland, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, countries of Central Europe, “said

    the airlines are among the industries in the UK, with banks most exposed. the consequences of the outcome of the British referendum.

    Ryanair, whose headquarters is in Ireland, a country in the euro zone, wants to stay out of the effects of a fall in the British pound.

    the chief executive of Ryanair wanted Britain to remain part of the single European market despite leaving the block.

    London must now negotiate its relationship with the EU with its European partners, others, a possible participation in the single market.


    international AFP


    Studying economics change regulations to promote savings and energy efficiency – Telam

    “The savings and consumption responsible and efficient are other sources of energy and in that sense are reviewing various regulations,” said the undersecretary in charge of the area, Andrea Heins.

    “When we pay for the energy that it effectively generate and put it at the point of consumption he assured efficiency projects begin to close by themselves. “

    the undersecretary Savings and Energy efficiency spoke today during a forum organized by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce German Argentino .

    Heins stressed the ranking prepared by the present government, because until last year the issue of efficiency was in a unit that depended on an address of a Secretariat, “ie on the fifth level with respect area minister and is now on the second level. “

    on the regulatory review said the decree 140 of 2007″ is a very good base, but not enough “, by which experiences are analyzed European and regional countries like Chile, Uruguay and Mexico.

    “While the obligation is not the only way, it is necessary to include a regulation, and therefore analyzed for each measure what kind of regulation add” he said.

    in the Undersecretariat understand that advocacy and adoption of responsible and efficient use of energy not only cover the electricity sector, but also natural gas and liquid fuels in all its uses, as heating, hot water, transportation and technical requirements of the industry.

    “We come from many years where energy as a resource not valued by the subject rates because there was availability and because the deficit was covered with imports and was satisfied demand, “he defined.

    In this regard, Heins said, “we have culturally a habit of saving and energy efficiency”, thus being strengthened programs for all sectors, including residential.

    In the latter case guides responsible use are developed, elaborated together with the Argentine Committee of the World Energy Council.

    In the manufacturing sector, and plans oriented SMEs with soft loans from the Energy Efficiency Fund covering 90% of diagnosis (with loans of up to 84 months and 9% annual rates in pesos), a pilot project with nine large companies are also facing to implement ISO 50001.

    Heins explained then that among the new programs included the transport “which until now had never been addressed” sector and that working with Iram in the labeling standard light vehicles.

    with regard to buildings, legislation which includes the construction characteristics and equipment is sought, to determine an index of energy performance.

    “we formed a working group with the province of Santa Fe, who has experience in the field, and other agencies, and what is sought is to set a reference pattern, since we have no power to generate obligation, which depends on each municipal code “.

    Finally, in lighting, “we are updating the rules because the current program dates back to 2008 and looked at only 15% of lighting Led, which was then a new and expensive technology, but today we must be more ambitious “he said Heins.


    Tuesday, June 28, 2016

    Take a beach of Tom Clancy’s The Division – Film Premiere

    As we reviewed recently, Tom Clancy’s The Division is one of our games favorite action so far this year. And the premiere of his first 3 expansions today is reason enough to celebrate with a trivia game for fans only Ubisoft and the exciting stories of Tom Clancy!

    To win one of these original Cufflinks shirts The Division, all you have to do is answer:
    • What are the 2 new features included in Underground
    • What content Ubisoft anniversary can be downloaded for free at The Division , starting today? Send a mail with your full name, your answers and the subject: Trivia The Division .

    The winners will be announced here on Friday July 1 and will be contacted by mail. Winners must come for their award facilities Iasa Editorial Communication with an ID and the prize will force one month (Thursday 28 July).

    The address is: Rosaleda 34, Colonia Lomas Altas, Mexico, DF. Miguel Hidalgo, CP 11950.

    (To get Constituents have to go to Santa Fe, spend Atlantis, the College of Architects, then see Editorial Expansion, there have to get right into abutment wall) . You can see the map to reach here .

    The delivery schedule is:
    Monday 8:30 to 14:30 hrs. and from 16:00 to 17:00 hrs.
    Thursday from 8:30 to 14:30 hrs. and from 16:00 to 17:00 hrs.

    Prizes will only be delivered in the days and schedules.

    The Underground expansion for Tom Clancy’s The Division be available One first for Xbox and PC this June 28 and August 2 for PlayStation 4. Underground is the first of three expansions paid that will bring new activities, features and items to build on the original gameplay experience after the story principal is completed. Underground will be available with the Season Pass or can be purchased separately for $ 14.99 USD. In this solid DLC, agents confront and fight against the menace lurks the treacherous and claustrophobic underground city of New York. Players will hunt dangerous enemies with up to three friends in an endless maze of underground tunnels.

    Good luck!


    Volkwagen agree to pay up to US $ 14,700 million diesel engines scandal –

    The German car giant Volkswagen agreed to pay up to US $ 14,700 million in the United States to try to close the litigation following the spectacular scandal for its diesel engines, which brought down sales and dented its reputation.

    “This partial commitment marks an important first step for Volkswagen accountable for a violation of its legal obligations and public confidence,” said Sally Yates, an official of the US Department of Justice.

    by this plan, the owners of some 480,000 Volkswagen vehicles with diesel engines will be able to resell these cars to the company-or have them repaired entirely.

    in any event, each owner you can also receive cash compensation that could reach US $ 10,000.

    the value of those vehicles to be repurchased would be September, before the outbreak of the scandal that began in the United States and spread to other countries.

    Just as compensation, the bill would reach US $ 10,033 million.

    in addition, you must add another US $ 2,700 million that Volkswagen should pay for ” fully remedy “the greenhouse gas emissions of its cars in the United States.

    Separately, the automotive group seeks an agreement for US $ 603 million with 44 US states and the District of Columbia ( where Washington is located) and Puerto Rico.

    according to US authorities, the Volkswagen diesel engines emit 40 times more greenhouse gases than permitted levels, although a program installed on these units falsified results measurements of these emissions.

    “the commitment announced on the day restores protections Volkswagen has flagrantly violated,” he said at a news conference Gina McCarthy, the federal agency environmental protection.

    The automotive giant (which includes brands such as Audi, Volkswagen and Porsche) also committed to contribute about US $ 2,000 million to fund promotion of cars with zero emissions.

    This commitment still be submitted for the approval of American justice on July 26, said a spokesman for Volkswagen in the United States.

    This would be one of the major agreements reached by a company in the United States after understanding of US $ 246,000 million concluded in 1998 by the industry snuff and agreement by more than 20,000 million with BP before the oil spill of 2010.


    In a statement, the German group pledged to respect the commitments and said the deal would mark an “important first step”.

    “we know we still have much work to do to restore confidence the American public, “admitted the head of the group, Matthias Müller.

    In this sense, the analyst Jessica Caldwell estimates that VW” still has a long way to go to repair its reputation. “

    However, judicial concerns Volkswagen not come to an end with this in the United States.

    in fact, the group is still the verge of being the subject of a criminal investigation and must still answer for the trick engine at about 100,000 vehicles with three liters of displacement and are not covered by the undertaking released Tuesday.

    VW admitted introduced tricks to falsify emission results in about 11 million of its cars diesel, and faces a cascade of processes in various parts of the world, especially in Europe.

    the scandal cost VW in 2015 its first net loss in 20 years and resulted in the fall of 20% its number of businesses in the first quarter.

    However, VW dispute with Toyota still ranked world number one in sales.



    Volkswagen will pay $ 15 billion for the dieselgate –

    San Francisco
    what constitutes a step towards the final settlement of a crisis that provoked litigation and investigations around the world and cost him his job the CEO of auto giant German Volkswagen AG agreed to pay up to 14,700 million dollars to settle legal claims regulators and owners of about 500,000 motor vehicles affected by manipulation software diesel emissions.

    the total payment, detailed in hundreds of pages of documents filed Tuesday in federal court in San Francisco, including up to 10,030 million dollars to meet the demands of the owners of cars with two-liter diesel engines. Volkswagen also pay 2.700 billion to fund environmental remediation and invest another $ 2,000 in promoting technology called zero emission , according to court documents.

    Volkswagen reached a civil settlement , the largest ever for an automaker, the US Justice Department, the Agency for Environmental Protection, the Federal Trade Commission, the California state regulators and consumer advocates plaintiffs. The agreement does not include other civil or criminal financial penalties that could be determined in the future by the Department of Justice.

    On the other hand, Volkswagen said it has reached an agreement of 603 million dollars with 44 states United States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico to settle claims of consumer protection related to diesel vehicles.

    Under the terms of the agreement, American drivers can sell or terminate the lease of vehicles affected or repair any potential problems to meet environmental regulations. Volkswagen will buy back the vehicles to their market value in September, before the regulators themselves known test traps made by automotive emissions control. Vehicle owners who choose to fix the engines must wait until the company obtains government approval for their plans change.

    All consumers, regardless of their choice will receive additional compensation of between 5,100 dollars and nearly $ 10,000 each. Drivers have more than two years to make a decision. Volkswagen only cost will rise to 10,030 million dollars if everyone opts for a buyback, according to court documents. The agreement affects 482,000 vehicles with diesel engine model years 2009 to 2015, including the Jetta, Passat, Beetles, Golfs and Audi A3.

    The agreement will be presented to Judge Charles Breyer for preliminary approval on July 26. If all deadlines are met as planned, Volkswagen could begin repurchasing cars in October, according to court documents.
