it was necessary for the regulator to maintain an strong stance against new emerging business models , even a recommendation. The controversy over models such as Uber and Airbnb takes too long occupying covers Europe, but still had a clear discrepancies between companies and states solution.

Now the European Commission within the framework of the new digital agenda, has positioned around new business models emerging, although as usual, before a regulation that affects the entire European Union, has made a series recommendations to the individual states to deal with the internal problems of the different traditional sectors, facing conflicts with emerging companies like Uber and Airbnb, and generally all those having to do with the collaborative economy if that can be framed to Uber within that definition.

in this way, the European Union recommends to the different states that limit those business models based ban should be the last solution If you want to harmonize the coexistence between new and old business models, recommending states to harmonize their regulation so that they can live both types of economy.

The total prohibition of an activity is a measure of last resort to be applied only if no less restrictive ways to satisfy a public interest. ” -. EU spokesman told Reuters

The problem that sees the European Union, is that many of these business models are not part only of an industry, because sometimes plays sticks of both, as in the case of Airbnb affecting private rents and the tourism sector, and regulate these activities can + make a interference in sectors that do not require regulation .

in any case, it is a first step to freedom is given to the new business model within the European Union, although it will depend, as usual, of each member country.

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