Thursday, December 29, 2016

The (future) miracle of Finland – Blasting News

Finland is one of the few countries who dare to experiment with the state budget. In fact, in the year 2017 will be the first country in the world that will pay a basic income without conditions.

From the year 2015 in Finland will debate the viability of the project from the basic income unconditional, which will start in January 2017. The main objective of the project is to simplify the social system and to reduce unemployment in the country. In this project they will be involved 2000 randomly chosen unemployed who are going to receive 560 euros per month without conditions. Participants not have to pay taxes on income and will be able to work and earn money without this being linked to the fact of receiving it. The elect will be unemployed between 25 and 58 years old in November of 2016 have received unemployment and not be able to refuse participation in the experiment.

basic income should encourage recipients to accept mini-jobs, and foster the sector of low-paid: the majority of the unemployed do not accept part-time jobs because of the amount available after paying your taxes is a drop in the bucket. In addition, this concept aims to save to the participants in the experiment the hours that are usually needed to fill out forms and applications. In this way, the bureaucratic system must be simplified. The administration is not going to control what the recipients do with the money for not to influence the results of the experiment.

In this sense, this experiment, although it sounds like a step towards communism, follows the neo-liberal model that tries not to limit the freedoms of the citizen through a bureaucracy, strict and free it from the role of the applicant is needed who is at the mercy of it. Due to the high standard of living, the finns surely will need other additional income to the basic income.

The experiment will last for two years, with the possibility of extending it. This year, the Swiss rejected in a referendum the introduction of a basic income unconditionally with 78% due to lack of clarity in the funding. #Employment #Quality of life


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