Friday, November 4, 2016

Threat of strike in Popular if you do not reach an agreement in their ERE – EntornoInteligente

people’s Bank and the unions will sit today and tomorrow to try to seal a pact on the plan of adjustment negotiated since the last month. The differences are focused on some 200 voluntary redundancy that the unions intended to go to early retirement. The unions called a strike in all the offices of Popular in Spain to the next day 10 if no agreement is reached before Sunday, day 6.

The final stretch of this week is decisive for the objectives of restructuring of Banco Popular.
The entity that presides Angel Ron is scheduled to meet today and tomorrow again with the unions to reach a final agreement on the plan of adjustment takes negotiating to the bank with the unions for about a month.
Despite this, the positions are still distant, but does not rule out that an agreement is reached Friday, a day before the end of the consultation period ?30 days from the opening of the ERE, according to trademark regulations?.

The trade unions, led by the CC OO (the one that has the largest representation in the bank and in the financial sector), you want the entity to expand the number of early retirement, now near the 2,000 to about 2,200 minimum.

Venezuela’ style=’color:#ffffff’>
The bank has already downgraded last week to a 10% of the possible outputs of the entity, between early retirement and low, and left in something less than 600 layoffs.
in Addition, improved the conditions of all the outputs and surpluses. The unions, however, considered very high for this figure, low-paid and call for limiting the low compensated to 200, taking into account that the bank would shortly be signing the sale of its subsidiary mortgage located in La Coruna to Indra, which would result in the output of 94 employees of the bank, to which would be added to the 54 low vegetative that occur annually in the entity and that the unions want to post from September this year until June of 2017 (end of the ERE).

Loss of the 4,000 million euros of trading As the bank continues negotiations with the unions, its stock price continues to tumble since last Friday, the day in which he presented his results.
Yesterday lost the 4,000 million euros of trading, to close at 3.924 million. His action was in the 0,935 euros per title, after descending a 3,81%. So far this year the company has plummeted 65% of its value. The results presented last Friday by the bank seems not to have liked all of the analysts, especially to N+1.’ style=’color:#ffffff’>
This firm, in addition to criticize their results, it has been shown to be very ?skeptical? on the possibility of Popular get the approval to deconsolidate from its balance sheet a part of its real estate assets (6,000 million euros), and in case of to get it ?the bank is still left with a large stock of problematic assets?, their report says.


Tags: Spain

information: Five Days

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