Monday, August 11, 2014

The government launched a plan to revive the industry – Deia

The government launched a plan to revive the industry – Deia

Madrid – The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism Spanish has designed a plan to respond to the EU strategy for regaining weight of industry in the state economy. It has had the collaboration of the major stakeholders. The agreed proposal contains ten lines of action and about a hundred steps, the statement Agenda for strengthening the industrial sector in Spain , which has had access to Europa Press. Basque or CAF Companies like Gamesa, among others, participated in the talks.

The department headed by José Manuel Soria starts from the premise that the industrial sector “can and should play a key role in the recovery of the Spanish economy” and that “has room for the years to become one of the engines “of growth. The result is ten action lines, four of them national, two international and four under the mainstream.

Proposals The first line sets out to stimulate the demand for industrial goods and for this purpose, includes measures such as stimulus enhance, support financial investment in strategic sectors industrial or even encourage the consumption of industrial products manufactured in Spain through campaigns organized by industry.

The second line will drive the Spanish Government is improving the competitiveness of the key production factors, which passes through measures such as reducing transport costs, improved networks and connections national and European, and optimizing labor costs of industrial enterprises.

Another aspect in which the plan emphasizes industry is the need to ensure energy “stable, competitive and sustainable” supply, for which seven specific measures to boost market pick internal energy, improved efficiency and greater implementation of energy management equipment.

One of the main priorities that will drive consist of strengthening stability and uniformity of the Spanish regulatory framework and increased efficiency and greater focus on societal challenges from optical R & D.

The plan of the Executive popular also includes a line of action focused on creating an environment conducive to increasing the size of SMEs, and another aimed at supporting the growth and professionalization of these small and medium enterprises.

The paper also aims to adapt the model to the educational needs of enterprises, increase the weight of unconventional financing industrial enterprises, support the internationalization of business and the ability to orient influence of Spain to defend the interests of the sector. – E. Press


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