Sunday, April 17, 2016

Almost 30% of temporary contracts lasts less than 7 days, according to UGT – Yahoo Finance Spain

MADRID (Reuters) – Nearly three out of ten temporary contracts in Spain last a week or less, as denounced on Sunday the UGT union, which claimed more controls to punish unjustified use of this type of hiring of very short duration.

“The union is demanding a prior justification for the use of this type of contract, setting specific ceilings on chaining them and expand the scope of the surcharge fee to permanent contracts effective duration less than 7 days, “UGT said in a statement.

UGT said that since 2009 the use of such contracts has increased eight points its weight in the labor market, in turn increasing casualization, the work and family instability and greater difficulty in access to unemployment benefits and social security.

the high temporality is one of the great evils of the Spanish labor market, which has one of the lowest unemployment highest in the EU, affecting nearly 21 percent of the active population.

the Spanish Government has legislated to try to encourage permanent contracts, but the percentage of temporary contracts still represent around 90 percent of the total each month, affecting mostly women and young people.

UGT, which produced the statistics from data from the Public Employment Services, highlighted the impact of lower contracts to a week in arts and entertainment activities (54.4 percent of contracts in the sector), hotels (43.4 percent) and health and social services (nearly 36 percent).


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