Thursday, May 26, 2016

The tendency to restrict dietary gluten. – With Our Peru

One of the latest studies of the UCM reveals that about 21% believe that gluten is harmful to health


• Recent data from the FACE show that there are about 500,000 affected in Spain although most are undiagnosed
• The latest study on dietary habits of the UCM reveals that 20.5% of the study population believe that gluten is harmful to health
• nutrition experts say that there are 10 times more people than restrict gluten that really are diagnosed as celiac patients.




For celiac patients, eliminate gluten from your diet is a significant improvement in their welfare also is the only solution to cope with this autoimmune disease which is caused by an intolerance to gluten, but there are numerous cases It not has a previous diagnosis and gluten is dispensed without a prescription. The current reality is that it is following a trend of restriction in our daily diet that trivializes the disease.
The ignorance about the disease is evident in the latest study at the Complutense University of Madrid on eating habits and consumption of bread and cereals. In this study it is found that the percentage of adults surveyed who believe that gluten is bad reached the figure of 20.5%, is the predominant profile of people who have a higher age, higher BMI and those who frequently want to lose weight.

In addition, when asked if gluten is a carbohydrate, a protein, a fat or if you do not know, about 50% of the group does not know that gluten is a protein, with 27.5% of adults believe it is a carbohydrate, 5.3% that answers a fat and 15.9% did not know.

The importance of a good diagnosis Due to lack of diagnosis hasty decisions are made, reaching generate nutritional alterations in the body that can lead to other ailments.
From FACE and “Pan Every Day”, the importance of a balanced diet is remembered and recommended to get tested before eliminating the consumption of bread and cereals. “Start to make a gluten-free diet without going to a specialist is not recommended because it can lead to false negatives when diagnostic testing of celiac disease,” say from the Federation of Associations of Celiacs of Spain.

In this regard, Dr. Beatriz Navia, Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Complutense University of Madrid, says that “has not been shown that removal of gluten in the diets of people with celiac disease do not have any benefits for health and follow a gluten-free diet, that has not been supervised by a physician, it could lead to a deficit in nutrients. ”

Finally, after the conclusion of the last meeting of experts in gastroenterology organized between Elsevier and the Spanish Association of Gastroenterology (AEG) it stated that there is a large number of patients they have minor injuries or partial villous atrophy because they do not consume all gluten they should. Therefore, it bears repeating that if you begin to notice some discomfort it is best to go to an expert in gastroenterology and not take measures that may lead to future problems.

Pan Every Day: the Pan project Every Day is an initiative born with the aim of promoting knowledge of a food that has accompanied man throughout his history: bread and cereals. Its nutritional properties make them staples in a healthy and balanced diet.

The chain of wheat, flour and bread joining forces through this project that you want to encourage your daily consumption as a healthy habit and as the basis of our Mediterranean Diet .
For more information on Pan every day or for an interview, contact us or visit our web

– “Effects of a gluten-free diet on gut microbiota and immune function in healthy adult human subjects”
– Talk among group. Gastroenterology experts concluded between Elsevier and the Spanish Association of Gastroenterology.
– Study “Influence of bread consumption in the quality of the diet and eating habits of Spanish adults


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