Sunday, May 15, 2016

You are thinking of buying a home? 10 factors you should consider – New Woman (blog)

Buy a house if possible. Learn more about mortgages and start designing your future

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If you decide you want a house, your best option is to do it through a mortgage . Know what you must consider when you are applying for a mortgage loan.

Take the determination to have their own home is a very important decision. A mortgage loan will help you purchase


To find out if you are ready to buy and what you need to do, you must know and take into consideration the following

1. Do you expect economic stability?

Buying a property is to assume a great responsibility. That’s why before taking that big step will encourage you to evaluate your income, expenses and economic stability in general. You’ll know if you can afford to pay your mortgage.

2. Do you have a steady job?

In evaluating your application, the mortgage lender will verify if you worked two or more years in the same job or if your line of work has been the same during this period of time. Therefore, to have job stability is essential when applying for your loan.

3. Do you have money left over after paying your monthly bills?

The amount you have available after paying your monthly debts gives you an idea of ​​how much you could pay mortgage. Pay all your monthly bills on time will give the bank an indication of how you will pay your mortgage in the future.

4. How much can you pay on your mortgage?

After evaluating your monthly budget analyzes what adjustments could do to repay a mortgage comfortably.

5. How is your credit history?

Your credit history is one of the most important in the process of buying a property aspects. Know the current status of your credit history. Retain evidence of payment of your services as water, electricity and phone can serve as an alternate evidence of your payment history.

6. Do you have saved money for payment soon?

The payment of prompt property and closing costs on a mortgage loan are usually the biggest payouts when buying a property. Check how much would be the amount of the early to know if you have it available or if you can get it. Make sure you have another game to cover closing costs of your mortgage. The early payment and closing costs should be available when you close your mortgage loan.

7. What documents need to start?

Your credit report is requested an independent credit agency, which will verify your payment history through the years. It will be necessary to see payment experience of your previous mortgage and certification of the employer where your income is verified. In some cases forms and / or financial statements are required, preferably certificates. You also need to verify that you have deposited in a bank funds the difference between the sale price and the mortgage.

8. What is an appraisal and why is it necessary?

An appraisal is an opinion of value, which indicates the approximate cost of the property that is the subject of the loan and to be used as debt collateral. It is processed by the bank through duly licensed appraisers.

9. Choose the shortest time to pay

The optimal time to pay your mortgage is the fastest possible, because the faster you pay, the less interest you pay.

10. Increase your payments through the years

When processing a mortgage define the monthly fee depending on the income we have at the moment, but as an obligation that have for many years, you should consider that in the extent that your income will improve, you can make additional contributions to finish faster. For example, if your salary increased by 20% a year, you should pay 20% more to finish before the mortgage, and so on.

Start building your future. Buy your property now.

For more information about the products available and / or before the mortgage paperwork, find your way with specialists in mortgage finance department Mortgages Scotiabank through . 787-767-8585 or

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