Sunday, May 22, 2016

TTIP: endangered lives and environment – Contralínea Magazine

The Transatlantic Agreement on Trade and Investment (TTIP) will not affect only trade but to our lives, our environment, our work or what we eat. The TTIP limit our rights as consumers, influence on toxic substances that will be exposed or establish that multinationals can be above the ordinary courts. All of that is what is at stake if the TTIP is approved. And also the CETA (Comprehensive Agreement on Economic and Trade), a similar agreement with Canada could be approved in the second half of this year.

José Carlos García Fajardo * / Center Solidarity Collaborations

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In La Sexta television aired the special Objective TTIP , dedicated to this treaty we can destroy even more to the middle and working classes. The program explained with different testimonies what it is and how we might affect if approved. Until recently, the TTIP had taken little or no space in traditional media. Now, thanks to the constant work of many organizations that are part of the campaign “No to TTIP” and with the push of the leaks revealed by Greenpeace Netherlands, has come to be in the prime time TV and the pages of major newspapers. And, while generating an increasing rejection among the population. Because the more we know the TTIP, unless we want to be adopted. Critical Journal we deal with the issue as soon as Greenpeace sounded the alarm.

Goal program collected the different views regarding the controversial treaty , making clear the positions of each other, with the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) and large banks like BBVA favor, and associations and agricultural representatives warn of their risks. . Therefore it would be good to highlight some of the explanations of the characters

In such an important field as livestock, agriculture and regulation, Ignacio Garcia Bercero, chief negotiator of the European Union for the TTIP said: “No out everyone winning. But look globality. The sector is more sensitive, not only in Spain but in the European Union, because there is no doubt that the American livestock sector is more competitive. “

Miguel White, general secretary of the Coordinator of Organizations of Farmers and Ranchers (COAG), addressed the issue of GMOs, hormones and food security that affect all people regardless of age, gender or profession “produce based on transgenics, to clenbuterol, a growth hormone banned in Europe, reduces costs. Produce quality and food safety we assumed higher costs to farmers of the European Union. “

the TTIP will determine the rights of consumers, influence on toxic substances that will be exposed and will benefit multinational “

Ramón Soria, market researcher and food expert, said bluntly that the TTIP “will change the principles of food safety. Not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. It will greatly hinder fruits and vegetables because in the US fields a lot of pesticides not approved in Europe are used “.

The products, food and even the environment are affected by lobbies and beneficiaries, hence the need for transparency without cheating. So Ernest Urtaun MEP Group Greens, strongly denounced that “It is not possible that a parliamentarian has to learn through leaks or we have to access reading rooms closed. Do we then do we explain to the citizens that voted for us? “.

However, J Manuel Gonzalez Paramo, executive director of BBVA, was not fazed by stating that” the multinational has little to gain this agreement. You can only lose that sector is not prepared for a slightly more intense competition. ” And the senses of the Committee on Economic and Financial Policies of the CEOE, José Luis Feito, did not hesitate to give the choirs with this biased statement: “The SMEs would be the main beneficiaries of this treaty. Spain has more SMEs therefore would benefit most. “

Finally, Ekaitz Cancela, journalist expert in the TTIP, put the finger on it by stating that there was no data for justify such an ambitious treaty based on economic growth. “We only have a precedent, he added, which is the treaty signed United States with Canada and Mexico and watched the entrance of American corn resulted in the loss of 1 million and a half jobs.”

This treaty free trade between Europe and the United States requires citizens to mobilize ourselves, which means investigate and encourage a serious debate and openly before a decision that will affect all citizens and the environment.

José Carlos García Fajardo * / Center Solidarity Collaborations

* emeritus Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid and director of the Center for Solidarity Collaborations


Contralínea 489/23 to May 28, 2016


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