Madrid, 1 apr (EFE).- The Spanish bank BBVA posted a net profit of 3.475 million euros (3.747 million) in 2016, a 31.5 % more than the previous year and the highest figure since 2010, due to the evolution of recurring revenue, to the moderation of expenses and to the decrease of the write-offs.
According to the bank reported to the Commission National of the Market of Values (CNMV), the regulator Spanish stock exchange, the annual accounts include the impact of the depreciation of the exchange rate and the purchase of the 14,89 % of the Turkish bank Garanti, which since the third quarter of 2015 is posted by the global integration method.
The institution was closed by 2016 with a volume of loans gross 0.6% lower than in 2015, with a non-performing loans ratio of 4.9 % in December, compared to 5.4 per cent from a year earlier, and coverage for bad debts to 70 % versus 74 %.
The deposits of the clientele were also slightly lower than a year earlier.
For the areas of business, the BBVA earned 459 million euros ($ 495 million) in the united States (11.2 % less); other 599 million euros (646 million usd) in Turkey (25.6 % more); and 1,980 million euros (u.s. $ 2.135 million), Mexico (5.4 per cent) and other 771 million (831 million dollars) and South America (14.9 percent less), including Venezuela.
In Spain, earned a profit of 912 million euros (983 million dollars).
The entity continued raising its customer base to digital this quarter and at year-end amounted to 18.4 million, after recording a growth of 20 %. EFE
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