Sunday, September 28, 2014

The legislature will destroy 400,000 jobs PP – Cadena Ser

The legislature will destroy 400,000 jobs PP – Cadena Ser

The economy will grow this year, according to the executive, 1.3% and 2% in 2015 Ensure that 274,000 jobs this year and 348,000 next will be created but the four years of the PP will end up with fewer jobs and higher unemployment than when Rajoy came to power . Economy Minister Luis de Guindos, said that the international environment is more bleak by the worsening global and European economy.

The Council of Ministers approved on Friday the Budget State 2015, that become fit. Spending cuts 4,200 million. Among other things because will be 4,000 million less on unemployment benefits . Pensions will rise next minimum established by law year, 0.25%.

The government estimates that at the end of 2015 unemployment will stand at 22.9% . That means the unemployment rate will be higher at the end of the legislature when the PP came to power. Also estimated that the year will end with 17,409,000 people employed, which means that during the four years of government Rajoy will have destroyed 400,000 jobs. At the end of the term there will be 211,000 fewer unemployed than to comienzoendiciembre 2011 , but this is explained not by creating jobs, but because they have significantly reduced workforce, poblaciónque works otiene expectations of work.

The Government maintains his diagnosis that the growth of the Spanish economy accelerates. So said Minister of Economy. Has raised a tenth deeste growth forecast year. Predicts the economy will increase 1.3%. This improvement does not reach the previously announced last July’s own De Guindos, who said he will be close to 1.5%. That may mean that expectations have cooled somewhat.

In the new macroeconomic framework, the paper where the official forecasts are collected now strip plus household consumption and business investment and less foreign sector. The government now estimates that the Spanish foreign sales, exports, grow less while imports, the Spanish foreign purchases will increase more.

As budgets next year, year the state 129,000 million euros will be spent. Represents a cut of 4,200 million from this year . Finance Minister Cristobal Montoro, has described the 2015 budget as the control of public finances, while it has become clear that to be followed by the path of deficit reduction. The cut is especially explains why there will be 4,500 million less for unemployment benefits. Interest on the public debt will total 35.500 million. That represents an increase of 12% compared to what will be spent this year the state in interest. While ministries will virtually frozen its budget, which added 34,500 million.

Finally, the government estimates that enter more than 3% this year, a total of 133,000 million. Another fact, in 2014, Hacienda raise 3,000 million less than anticipated in the budget . That contrasts with continuing demonstrations Minister Montoro ensuring that revenue was up a lot and going well. Part of this decrease in revenue will be due to health cent refund, declared illegal by the European Union. The return, according Montoro begin next week and will involve 2,000 million.


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