Monday, September 29, 2014

The long journey of Miguel Boyer – The Paí (Spain)

The long journey of Miguel Boyer – The Paí (Spain)

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Miguel and Carlos Solchaga Boyer, Boyer home. / MARISA FLÓREZ

When the PSOE He won the 1982 elections by a landslide, and Felipe González had in mind that his Minister of Finance would be Miguel Boyer Salvador. His appointment as head of the economic policy was a declaration of intent by Felipe González, though that soon earned him stress relations with UGT, then led by Nicolás Redondo. Boyer was a liberal economist expert authors also a graduate in Physics and enjoyed immense culture. For Gonzalez, it was the appropriate person to make the transition in tandem with Carlos Solchaga (as Minister of Industry and later his successor) and usher in the changes that the Spanish economy needed to enter the European Economic Community (later European Union). He surrounded himself with a choice of economists corsage which then would run in the successive socialist governments, as Miguel Fernández Ordóñez, Guillermo de la Dehesa, Luis de Velasco, José Borrell and Jose Victor Sevilla, who did not have a precisely smooth relations.

The first performance sounded Miguel Boyer, who died on the day of his holy at age 75 from a pulmonary embolism just over two years after suffering a brain haemorrhage, was the expropriation of a few RUMASA months of the government form. Over the years underline that I would do without hesitation. From the beginning, away from old clichés and moved away from socialist orthodoxy in their performances, as industrial restructuring, the embryo of the temporary contract, updating rents (the famous decree Boyer) and pension reform, which was the final burst to break with UGT.

Nor had good relations with the Deputy Prime Minister, Alfonso Guerra, who objected to a resounding Boyer was vice president of economic affairs, as was his claim. Gonzalez gave in War and Superminister vice economic ran out, which meant leaving the Executive. An anecdote reflects relations War. This gave him a book with the phrase “A Miguel Boyer Cyclops of the economy.” In response, Boyer commented: “With the cyclops one-eyed giant or want to call me?”. The duel was pending, but Boyer launched more than a poison dart against Gonzalez: “A Philip escaped the crisis in hand, doing so in 24 hours goes ahead change, but left it to become pulse”

By this time, Boyer had left his wife, Dr. Elena Arnedo, to go live in the house with the ministry who would become his wife, Isabel Preysler, which in turn had left their relationship the Marquis de Griñon. Your friend will then instructed Solchaga president of Banco Exterior (embryo Argentaria), a position in which he rubbed shoulders with the seven major banks and bankers, including the recently deceased Emilio Botín, in 1986 after replacing his father. It was subsequently signed by the constructions and contracts and Albertos Koplowitz sisters. It was for him a turbulent era that also had, to declare ‘the Ibercorp case’ in which they were accused his friends Mariano Rubio and Manuel de la Concha, members like him called ‘beautiful people’

Boyer had been very active in the Franco era against the dictatorship. He was arrested in 1962 after being caught while handling a ‘Vietnamese’ (as it was known at the time of manual duplicators) where printed leaflets. That earned him six months in prison of Carabanchel. The democratic pedigree also won him being fired from the Nuclear Energy that had entered practically since he had a degree in Physics. We then got the itch to economics, science in which he received his doctorate and serve him to enter the Bank of Spain, where he met many who would be close friends (Luis Angel Rojo, Mariano Rubio, Solchaga …).

Boyer had drunk freedom at home. He was born in the French town of St. Jean de Luz, in exile who was forced to his family, belonging to the enlightened bourgeoisie which had lost the war and their children educated under that premise. His father was in a concentration camp and his maternal grandfather, Miguel Salvador, sentenced to death by Franco. When he recalled his mother’s farewell grandfather with him in his arms misted eyes. Then, already installed the family in Madrid, he studied at the French School, where he began to emerge for his intelligence and brilliance that would highlight later in the profound debates that liked to keep in which also highlighted a fine sense of humor offered when he did discard the mask of initial shyness.

It was also a man of swings. Since the transition, in 1977, he left the party, although he did not break the card number 19 of the Madrid Socialist Federation to overdo Francisco Fernández Ordóñez. Would soon leave when ‘Pacoordóñez’ decided to join UCD. He tried to be Independent senator Rioja, approaching the land of his mother’s family (his grandfather was Amos Salvador Economy Minister twice with Sagasta). After failing socialist returned to the fold, which was already leaving the term Marxist Jaén topped the list with old and young militants, including Colin Campbell. Then came the said resignation as minister in 1985 and, over the years, the notorious approach to PP, accepting made patron of the FAES Foundation chaired by José María Aznar.

But the tough little idyll, which Aznar took in supporting the Iraq war. And, after another period of silence in which Boyer presided at CLH (formerly Campsa) and Hispania group Boyer again and approach the PSOE Zapatero government in office. He was part of the advisory team and was a regular at meetings in La Moncloa, usually with Solchaga. In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Socialist victory in 2012 and fresh from the brain hemorrhage that left him sequels mobility, wanted to attend the ceremony in which he was not expected and the organizers had to improvise a poster hand with your name on the front row, close to War and always with Solchaga.


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