Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The taxi industry go to Brussels tomorrow to try to stop Uber – elEconomista.es

The taxi industry go to Brussels tomorrow to try to stop Uber – elEconomista.es

E. Porta / B. Triper 8:21 – 09/23/2014

  • The Spanish group seeks a solution at European level; aims to eliminate these my

The taxi industry is reeling from the rise of new forms of collaborative consumption; however, the group as a whole has decided not to lower the flag and head for Brussels, where tomorrow they will defend their rights against the intrusion of platforms like Uber.

Emilio Dominguez, technical secretary of the Spanish Federation Taxi, there is much to discuss: “We should ban it.” It refers to Uberpop, which currently only operates in Barcelona in Spain. “Uber offers other services, but is a particular Uberpop transporting another individual in his own car and charged for it. And that, in Spain, is illegal.”

As Dominguez explains the client, through the application of Uber hires a taxi driver. Payment Uber User is using a card payment platform with smartphone user, and then transferred Uber 80 percent to the driver, keeping the remaining 20 percent. “With the Spanish law in hand, this man is Uber passenger transport and an intermediary, they have to meet certain requirements and have duties that are non-existent here.”

As an example, a Spanish taxi driver must have a driving license BTP, the taxi license, be registered with the Social Security and have a very specific insurance liability. To be Uber driver, just be an adult, have the B driving license and a car in good condition with four doors.

“The worst of it is arrogance with which they are conducted, though they have been banned in Germany utilize the fait accompli. This business model is the future and will continue to function because Yes “.

Arrogance that apparently expressed in meetings with the Ministry of Development and the Community of Madrid, where they came to say it was more viable than the legality suited them they legality. And, according to the taxi industry, presumed to have a lot of capital, in addition to partners as powerful as Google or Goldman Sachs.

If Uber put a little on your part … could they get to live? “No. In Spain to carry passengers are licensed taxis and transport vehicles with driver.” For now, seek their removal by the political and administrative channels, but this issue will come to the fore in Brussels and other European associations when taken together, will take legal action “to skip to the bullfighter laws.”

“There are few services for both taxi. Above is not profitable and have a Eurotaxi by the price difference between this and a regular taxi.” Dominguez summarizes the status of taxis adapted for people with reduced mobility. “The figure that before 2017 had to have 5 percent of eurotaxis not answer any technical criteria, or any European regulations, or studies that have been carried associations of people with disabilities.”

From Fedetaxi have applied to the City of Madrid subsidies for adapting vehicles – “there were, but they disappeared with the crisis” – as if the cost of a normal car can range between 12,000 and 16,000 euros, that of a Eurotaxi can reach 45,000, and provision of economic assistance to the disabled resources. The response from City Hall as a reward for these eurotaxis was remove the regime of warrants, which also disturb the sector “only benefits to fleets.”


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